Pocket Marché is an app that allows users to buy fresh seasonal ingredients directly from a total of 8,300 farmers and fishermen across Japan. The over 700,000 users can enjoy shopping and interacting directly with producers as they choose from 15,000 produce items, including fruits, vegetables, fish, and meat.
Taberu Times is a monthly food magazine that comes with a delivery consisting of an informational magazine featuring food creators and attractive local foods that they have harvested. The magazine features creators who have fallen in love not only with the food, but also tells the stories of how they have fallen in love with the people and way of life around them.
This is a new hometown tax donation service that connects users directly with the producers of the tax return gift. This system makes it easy for small-scale producers to list items, and therefore users can choose from a wide variety of tax return gifts. Users can find the produce and regions to make their donations by interacting directly with producers and growers.
We have begun promoting solar sharing (installation of solar power generation equipment above fields to generate electricity alongside food production) and electricity retail of food producers to consumers.
This is a nature study program for parents and children that brings together ‘travel’ and ‘learning’. During our program, participants can join agricultural and fishing experiences only available by working with our locally based producers and have opportunities to learn about eating and living while enjoying a staying in the countryside.
Pocket Marché supports the work of local governments and companies working on corporate revitalization to support producers, expand sales channels, and develop a Connected Community. We provide measures to meet the various needs of both producers and consumers, from the likes of fishing and farming all the way to logistics and tourism.
We can propose a variety of programs to corporations under the theme of food. These proposals include special offer prizes where participants can win farm-fresh produce, online workshops led by local producers, and other services such as employee gifts or welfare gifts.